Coping With Self-Harm Booklet

post by Si Martin

March, 01 2024

2 mins read

We’re very proud to present our newest resource! It’s a booklet for young people who self-harm, and we think it’s pretty great. It’s packed full of thoughts, suggestions, and ideas that can help on your journey with coping with self-harm.

Here’s our founder Si talking about it! Watch the video below (Click here if the video doesn’t play) or read along underneath!

Let’s get one thing straight.

Whatever you’re going through right now – even if this is your lowest low that you’ve ever experienced and feels like it’s never going to end. I promise you two things:

  1. You absolutely can get through this. It may not be pretty, but you can get through it. and
  2. You’re not alone. Other people have gone through rubbish stuff and come out the other side. Including me.

And it’s because of that (and the fact that today is self injury awareness day) that I’m really proud to present this booklet.

It’s something that can give you a lil bit of guidance through the tough times While also being a practical thing that you can work through at your own pace. For example there’s this bit about spotting your triggers – and where in your body you feel triggered, which is gonna be the first step in being able to do something about it

And there’s also these self-care spectrums and action plans that we use in our school workshops that can help you figure out what’s really bothering you, and feel a bit more in control, the next time you feel triggered.

This has been put together based on 11 years of experience of doing HATW, and with feedback from service users and professionals, so you’d best believe it’s packed full of good stuff. I am, of course, biased, but I think this is a wicked resource.

And the best part is that we’re giving them away for free.

If you’re local to Cardiff, just swing by our shop in Canton and we can hook you up. Otherwise, go to, click on resources, and hit “coping with self-harm booklet”.

This is basically what I would’ve wanted when I was at my lowest point. And it’s because I’ve survived those rough times – using a bunch of the ideas in this booklet – that I’m able to say those two promises with confidence:

You can get through this. And you’re not alone.

– Si

By the way!

The reason we’re able to send these resources out for free is because of folks buying our merch with a message! Please help us keep on doing cool stuff like this by grabbing some HATW merch for yourself!

“I’m Glad You Exist” Long Sleeve

(4 customer reviews)

Black long sleeve t-shirt with sleeve prints, breast print & custom nape tag. Prints are on the inside of the sleeves, so you can read the full message if someone spreads their arms to give you a hug. Possibly the lamest/coolest/cutest thing we’ve ever made. Design by Heads Above The Waves Inspired by you, cuz…

SKU: LS006

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