Why we should all be more dog
post by Emily Sockett
(Guest Featuring Juno The Whippet and Herman the Miniature Daschund)
Have you ever looked at a dog and been envious, even for a moment? We don’t mean jealous of the naps, the treats or the fuss and cuddles (although that does all sound great). We mean that posi-vibe that all dogs seem to have; the endless love of life, enthusiasm and curiosity that they exude.
This got us thinking; what can dogs teach us about looking after our mental health? Because they seem to have a few tricks up their sleeves (or…paws?). We like to think of this as ‘being more dog’!
Being ‘more dog’ is about living in the moment, appreciating the little things, seeking out new experiences. It’s about not worrying what others think. It’s about not worrying about things you cannot change. It’s about loving fiercely and loyally. It’s safe to say that we could all learn a thing or two from our four-legged-friends. But how do we put ‘being more dog’ into practice?
Get Excited About the Small Things
Q: How excited is a dog when their owner returns home? A: Very; they’re bouncing off the walls! We’re not saying you need to do laps of the garden when a friend drops by, but acknowledging the joy in small, routine events can really help your mental wellbeing by building gratitude into your life. Take a moment to really sink into that hug with your bestie, look forward to a delicious meal, or simply enjoy that squeaky-clean feeling a new toothbrush gives you.

Stop and Smell The Flowers
Going for a walk is the highlight of any dog’s day – what a joy it is for them to get out and about in nature. The same is true for humans! Although sometimes it is hard to drag yourself off the sofa and into the outdoors, we guarantee you’ll feel better for it! Being outside is a great place to practise anxiety-soothing mindfulness. Listen to the sounds around you, enjoy the changing colours of the leaves, stop and smell the flowers.

Make Sleep A Priority
Dogs always seem to find the cosiest spot to cwtch up in, falling asleep in a matter of minutes, dreaming of chasing their ball or rolling in something stinky. There’s no denying that our canine companions know that having quality rest is important to have a happy, healthy life. Practising good ‘sleep hygiene’ (having a regular bed-time/wake-up time, not using your phone in bed, avoiding prolonged napping) is key to good mental-health. But sometimes sticking to those routines can be hard. If sleeping is a challenge for you, know that resting is just as valid – curl up on the sofa with a blanket and a book, or close your eyes and follow a guided meditation for ten minutes (why not try the Calm app?). Your brain will thank you for it!

Live in The Present Moment
If you see a dog playing fetch in the park, we can guarantee that they won’t be worrying about whether or not they’re coming back to play fetch tomorrow! Dogs live in the here-and-now, relishing the present and appreciating what is happening right now. They don’t worry about the future, and neither do they hold grudges or regret the past.
Whilst, as a human, it’s hard not to think ahead or ruminate on the past, it’s important to remember what we can and can’t control. The present moment can be changed, but the future is yet to happen. Don’t let the threat of rain tomorrow stop you from sitting in the sunshine today.

Discard Fear of Judgement
A dog will roll in mud and parade about with pride. A dog will shamelessly chase after the mouldy old tennis ball it loves. A dog will let you know when they don’t like their new food. They do not care about what other dogs think about them – all they know is, they are AWESOME and that the other dogs are lucky to be in their presence. We want you to know that you are AWESOME too, and if anyone judges you for being yourself then that is a them-problem, not a you-problem!

LOVE: things, people, life.
One of the main reasons we invite dogs into our lives is to share their love with us. They love unconditionally, passionately and devotedly. They are not afraid to show their love – whether that be by licking your face, curling up on your lap or nuzzling your feet – they will show you that love regularly, reliably, almost unwaveringly, and do so without fear of rejection. If dogs could speak, they would tell you that they love you ten-thousand times a day, and whilst that might be a little irritating, you can’t deny that it would give you the warm-fuzzies!
So go ahead, love fiercely, unashamedly, and with loyalty – just don’t go around licking people’s faces.

Some final thoughts
That’s just six ways that you can improve your mental-health by ‘being more dog’. We’re sure that there are plenty more, so do drop us a comment with other suggestions; getting involved is a very ‘be more dog’ thing to do!
Here at Heads Above The Waves, we’re all dog lovers, so of course our shop is dog friendly! We often bring in our own dogs too, providing the vital customer-service of cuddles on our sofa. So whether you have a furry friend, or just need some canine-comfort, we’ve got you covered.
Want more life lessons from dogs? Watch this (featuring Herman as a puppy!)
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