Starting the Conversation on World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

post by Si Martin

September, 10 2024

2 min read

Just a heads up! This post is talking about suicide! And while the whole point of World Suicide Prevention Day is to normalise conversation, and we’re working towards a place where everyone feels able to hold a conversation about suicide – it’s totally up to you if you feel ok to continue reading/watching this!

‌Si filmed a few thoughts on starting the conversation around suicide to mark World Suicide Prevention Day 2024. Watch below, or over on YouTube. You can read along below too!

On the 10th of September every year, the aim of world suicide prevention day is to focus your attention on the fact that many suicides are preventable. And that talking about difficult feelings, including suicidal thoughts, doesn’t have to be scary. The theme for this year’s world suicide prevention day is: changing the narrative on suicide – starting the conversation.

Breaking the taboo: it’s ok to talk about suicide

I think one of the biggest reasons why talking about suicide remains a bit taboo, is because people are worried that by talking about it, you’re encouraging someone to consider suicide. But that’s not the case.

Research shows that just openly asking someone about suicide – if they’re experiencing suicidal thoughts – is actually a big help. It gives people the permission to share what’s really going on with them. It might be that they’ve been holding onto a lot of guilt and shame for even having these feelings. So asking them directly about suicide might actually take a huge weight off their shoulders.

‌And if they’re not feeling suicidal, it’s easy for them to just say “no, that’s not where I’m at right now” – and there’s no evidence that it increases someone’s risk of suicide if they weren’t already thinking about it.

Why we need to start the conversation about suicide

‌So that’s why it’s so important to actually start that conversation, and it’s why this year’s World Suicide Prevention theme is all about starting conversations. If we’re all scared to start the conversation, then there will never be a conversation.

Your challenge beyond World Suicide Prevention Day

So the challenge to you is to be brave. And check in with your pals. Ask how they’re doing. How they’re REALLY doing. Cuz we all just say “yeah, alright, you?” As almost a knee jerk reaction. So ask twice when you ask how your friends are doing. And if someone’s having a hard time, don’t be afraid to ask about suicide.

‌The more we talk openly about it, the more we create & foster environments where people feel safe, and able to seek help.

You’re not alone: resources for those struggling with suicidal thoughts

And if you’re struggling yourself, please know that there are people on your side who want to listen to you. If you don’t think you’ve got anyone around you that you can talk to, there are helplines you can contact who are literally there to listen to whatever it is that you’re facing. You can find helplines here, and all sorts of other resources here!

You’re not alone.

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