Songs to keep your head above the waves – January 2025
post by Si Martin

We’re finally in the home stretch of what’s felt like the longest month of all time. January’s been a bit of a roller coaster. But music has always been something that helps make sense of difficult times. So here are a few songs that I’ve been listening to that have put a smile on my face, and helped me get through the ups and downs. It’s a bit ironic that January should be all about new beginnings, and this playlist is full of loads of old songs, but hey. There’s something kinda comforting in going back to old songs (or old movies!) where you know exactly what’s going to happen. Here’s a few thoughts on each of the songs on this playlist of songs to keep your head above the waves!
Faith (When I Let You Down) – Taking Back Sunday
Taking Back Sunday are a band that I’ve realised have been with me through so many seasons of my life. And always seem to manage to sum up how I’m feeling better than I can. This track is a nice little reminder of the people in your life who are there for you through thick & thin. And even if you lose your faith in everything else in the world, there’s always someone on your side.
Self-Destruction (as a Sensible Career Choice) – Spanish Love Songs
To be fair, this song has been in heavy rotation for a while now. There’s something about the raw emotion in Dylan Slocum’s vocals that hits me every time. And I think the debate that goes on in the chorus of: “It won’t be this bleak forever, yeah right” sums up what it’s like in my head a bunch of the time. But the truth is: it *won’t* be this bleak forever (even if I struggle to believe it right now).
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been – Relient K
This whole record (mmhmm) is what summer sounds like to me. And I think I’ve been particularly playing this to try and give me some sunshine in my ears when it’s grey and wet outside (hello, SAD). Lyrically, I love this song. And the concept that you’re not the person you’ve been in the past, and that’s ok. We’re not our mistakes; we’re not our past. But we’re a constant work in progress.
I’m A Bore, Mostly… – Deaf Havana
This was a late addition. I only went back to this record last week, but phwoar. It’s a good ‘un. There’s definitely more mental health related lyrics through the rest of the album, but there’s something about the ✨vibe✨ of this song that hits different for me. It doesn’t always have to be super lyrical to make you feel something. Even though I feel very seen when talking about coffee being the thing that’s dragging you through days..
Born and Raised – alexisonfire
I really hope that we get to go back to 2000trees festival this summer. Partly because it’s a great festival. Partly because alexisonfire are playing. I picked up this album on vinyl when I was in Toronto at the end of last year. My takeaway from the lyrics of this song in particular, is that there are things that we don’t necessarily understand. And that’s ok. There are some things that are out of our control. And that’s ok. I’m working on being ok with not knowing everything, and things feeling out of my control.

Breaking the Habit – Linkin Park
I know, I know, I should probably put something off the new album on here. But despite this album being over 20 years old, it still bangs. And there’s always been something about “Breaking the Habit” that’s stood out to me. And maybe it’s especially fitting that we’re in a new year, and focusing on making changes – i.e. breaking the habit.
A bit of a curve ball in here, to go from very old metal to very new hip hop. But Doechii is probably the most interesting artist I’ve listened to in a while. If you’re on TikTok, you’ve probably come across her by now. And maybe even this song in particular. But it makes me nod my head. And the back and forth of a supportive yet challenging voice is cool to me. And big shoutout to the talk of breathing exercises at the end, but maybe do a bit more of a chill breathing exercise if you’re gonna try it!
(Couple of swears on this track – sorry mum).
Your Horoscope for Today – Weird Al Yankovic
Oh no, THIS is the curve ball. And look. It’s not really got any great mental health message that I can pull out of this song. But I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve put this on in my AirPods while I’m dancing my one year old son around the room trying to get him to go to sleep. And it always puts a smile on my face. I wanted to include it on here cuz it’s a bit of a reminder not to take life and myself so seriously. It’s okay to have a laugh, and just be a bit silly.
Nosedive – Post Malone
Ok, a little more on track. This Post Malone country album was my number one streamed album on Spotify in 2024. I definitely want to be a cowboy. But this track nails the idea that everything is transitory. Nothing lasts forever. So you’ve gotta enjoy the good times while they’re good, and remind yourself that the bad times won’t be bad forever, and you CAN get through them.
Sadness As a Gift – Adrianne Lenker
I’ll be real: I’m surprised this album wasn’t my most streamed of 2024, cuz I’ve played it A LOT. I just really like the concept of seeing sadness as a gift. That’s not me saying that I’m glad that I feel bummed out. But it reminds me that we have all sorts of emotions that we experience in a day. And we can use the crummy stuff that happens to us to fuel something good coming from it. That’s literally where Heads Above The Waves came from..!
Whistles The Wind – Flogging Molly
I always remember a friend sending me this when I was really in the thick of struggling with my mental health. And I rediscovered it this month. So maybe I’ve included it on here so that it’s a message for you that “it breaks my heart to see you this way”. And a reminder that there are people on your side when you’re feeling your lowest.
Uncomfortably Numb – American Football
I think this is another one that’s maybe more about the vibe than a particular lyric/message that super connects with me. But it’s about growing up, and coming to terms with that. And with each year that goes by, I’m reminded that I’m getting older haha. So perhaps the last song was one for you, and this is one for me.
Skylight – Pinegrove
The first time I heard this song, I went back and listened to it like 5 times in a row. The lyrics of “whatever you’re feeling is alright” and “whatever you’re feeling is natural” in the chorus have given me such a warm reassurance. And it’s partly why I wanted to end this playlist with this nice mellow tune. And the reminder that whatever you’re feeling is allowed, and valid.
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