post by Si Martin

February, 07 2020

Holy moly. Today marks 7 years of HATW. SEVEN! A huge great big thank you to everyone who’s joined us on our journey so far; whether you’ve been here since day one or you’ve only just found us – thank you for being here!

We’ve changed and grown a bunch over the last 7 years, from an idea of raising awareness with band merch, to a handful of t-shirts and a Tumblr, through to this full blown website, our shop in Cardiff, and the school workshops that we’ve delivered all across Wales (and some in England too!). Through all this change though, one thing has stayed consistent: the idea that you’re not alone, help exists, and there are ways of getting through the bad days.

It’s interesting, looking back on the years and how much has changed, and the things we’ve learned along the way. Here’s a few bits we’ve picked up so far on our journey, that might make sense in your life too:


Things take time! Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that jazz. Sometimes all you can do is just take small steps. Sometimes all you can do is wait (which is super frustrating). But progress is possible with patience. Try saying that 5 times fast.

Everyone’s on their own journey

We’ve said all along that “One size doesn’t fit all” – and that’s so true for life. Everyone’s moving at their own pace; sometimes you’re gonna be ahead of other people, sometimes you’re gonna be behind, but you just gotta focus on you. Celebrate your own successes rather than putting yourself down for someone else’s.

Don’t lose sight of why you’re doing this

There are times when it’s been pretty hard going for us, and there are going to be times when it feels like your back’s against the ropes, but find what motivates you. We’ve always said that if we could make a difference to just one person, then all our efforts have been worthwhile. What’s your purpose that’s going to keep you pushing on through all the B-S? Maybe it’s someone you care about, who deserves the world (and maybe that someone is you).

Camping at festivals is tough and cold

…and sometimes wet – shoutout ArcTanGent!

Everything is transitory

Just when we think we’re down with the lingo, some new thing comes along and we’ve gone from being on trend to, like, soooo last week (RIP dabbing). But ya know what? That’s kinda the way life is. Even if you’re in the middle of a really rubbish time right now, it won’t last forever, so keep holding on.

Things really do get easier

We’re not just saying it – it’s true! We’re living testament to that. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and see what you can achieve. It might be hard or scary the first time, but the second time it’ll be a little easier, and even easier on the fourth time. You’re capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.

Make mistakes; be human!

Crikey, the amount of things we’ve got wrong. Si once ordered a whiteboard off the internet without actually reading the dimensions and we now have an 8ft whiteboard in the office. But that’s ok! We learned from that (and now have plenty of space to map out our plans for taking over the world!). You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to be you.

Stay hydrated




We’d love to hear any stories/memories you’ve got from HATW over the years! Maybe you had a good chat with us, or we’ve worked with you and now you’re off smashing it round the world. Get in touch! Let us know how we can make the next 7 years even better. 

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