Life lessons from Christmas for all year round

post by Si Martin

December, 22 2023

Tis the season for being kind to yourself!

Here’s a few thoughts with lessons from Christmas that we can learn from all year around. You can watch the video, or read along below!

If the video doesn’t play, you can always watch it on YouTube here:

Here are 3 things that you can learn from Christmas to help you manage your mental health all year round.

1. Make a list!

(you can check it twice if you want). Making a list is a great way to stay on top of all sorts of different areas of your life. In our school workshops, we use these self-care spectrums. These list out a few different areas of your life. It’s helpful because it’s just breaking down life into a few categories you can score out of 10.

OR you can keep a list in the form of a gratitude journal. So by that I mean, making a list of 3 things that you’re grateful for about each day. There’s heaps of research out there about the benefits of gratitude journaling. I like to use this one that we sell in the shop, cuz it’s just that bit more structured than using a blank page. ORDER NOW!!1!

2. Traditions

A lot of folks have Christmas traditions. From what you eat for Christmas lunch [cauliflower is traditional] to the stuff like going and getting a tree and decorating it with the weird ornaments that you’ve just had.. forever. And there’s a lot of power in traditions and rituals. It’s why they’ve stuck around in human history.

But there’s also something kinda comforting about knowing what’s gonna happen. And you can get this same vibe from doing something like watching an old movie where you know every line. Personally I find this super helpful when everything else in life feels out of my control. It’s just one thing that I do have control over, and know what’s gonna happen, even if everything else is chaos around me.

3. Let the songs set the mood

If you work in retail you’re probably sick of the Christmas playlist by Dec 1st. But there’s a playlist of songs that come out every year to help get people in the festive spirit. So try making a playlist of songs that can affect your mood for the better.

Something I’ve done for a while is have playlists that take me on a bit of a journey. So if I’m angry, it’ll start with angry metal. Then it’ll go into heavy music but with an upbeat vibe. And then transition into generally upbeat music. And before you know it I’m dancing round the kitchen to It’s Raining Men. You either think Its Raining Men is one of the best songs ever written or you’re lying.

I guess what I’m saying is: music can have a big impact on your mood. So if you’re in a bad headspace, listening to nothing but sad songs is gonna keep you there. So give it a shot and see if you can turn your mood around with music.

So there ya go. 3 things that we can take from Christmas and apply all year round:

Make a list; find comfort in familiarity; let songs set your mood.

Whatever life brings you this holiday season, I hope you always remember that there’s people on your side.

You’re not alone.

You can get through this.

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