A Message for World Suicide Prevention Day

post by Si Martin

September, 10 2020

September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s a chance to raise awareness around the world about suicide and suicide prevention.

Every year, suicide is among the top 20 leading causes of death globally for people of all ages. It is responsible for over 800,000 deaths, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds.Every life lost represents someone’s partner, child, parent, friend or colleague. For each suicide approximately 135 people suffer intense grief or are otherwise affected. This amounts to 108 million people per year who are profoundly impacted by suicidal behaviour.

Many deaths by suicide are preventable. Every death by suicide is a tragedy. We want the conversation to last all year round. And we want you to be here for it.

So here’s a message from us at HATW, to you (yeah, YOU.)

We’ve got a bunch of ideas of ways to get through the tough days on our Things To Try page.

There are places you can talk to -people who can listen to you, support you, and get through this with you – check out our list of Helplines.

Find out more about WSPD from the International Association for Suicide Prevention.



We want to keep the conversation going beyond World Suicide Prevention Day. We believe every day is an opportunity to talk honestly and openly about mental health. And every day is an opportunity to remind the people around you that you’re glad they exist. It’s why we’ve made these long sleeves.

Someone reads “I’m glad you exist” if you’re about to give them a hug. Cheesy? Possibly. Adorable? Definitely.

Visit the store

I'm Glad You Exist Long Sleeve

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