You Go, Glen Coco!

post by Hannah

August, 05 2015

To those who need a pick me up, or for those who feel like they don’t have someone in their life right now that tells them that they’re awesome, here it is…You are awesome! Please keep on being you, and don’t give up. There’s so much more awesome to come from you!

This sentiment encapsulates our theme this month here at Heads Above The Waves. Cheesily harking back to the 2004 cinematic classic, Mean Girls, we felt inspired by one of its infamous lines, said with such positivity and pride. So this August we’re proudly proclaiming “You Go, Glen Coco!” to everyone reading this!

Whatever it is you want to do, whether that’s stopping self-harming, trying something new or starting a dialogue with someone to get help- we believe in you and we know you can do it. If you’re feeling down or going through a bad time we know it can get better for you. Because we’ve lived through it ourselves, and we see it every day in the brave stories that you share with us and the young people we work with.

Yes, of course there are stumbling blocks and sometimes you slip or things get difficult. But it’s always about what you do to combat these bad times that counts – it’s all about resilience. It’s about shaking it off and carrying on. It’s about taking what happens to you and what you go through and making it a part of you. Owning your life will make you stronger, and like our hoodies say “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” We’re all like the Rocky Balboa’s of mental health! We just keep on getting back up!

Whenever anyone tries to spread a positive message, it can sometimes fall on deaf ears to people who feel really low and can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. I know this because I’ve been there and it’s so easy to eye-roll at posi-posts on Instagram or people sharing inspirational quotes on your Facebook wall. But at least there is positivity out there and people willing to share their bad times to help you get to your good place. I’ve been going through a tough time recently, old habits and feelings have been resurfacing and I’ve been struggling to keep myself together and my mind positive. But to combat this I’ve been working even harder to keep going and find things that make me happy. Whether that’s a new favourite song, speaking to a friend you can always rely on or meditating to deal with anxiety attacks. But I also know that I have to go easy on myself and forgive past stupid things I’ve done, and let myself go through whatever is happening now. On the flipside it’s also important to let myself recognise and love my strength and awesomeness! It’s not being big-headed or full of yourself- it’s just about thinking “I am me and that’s all I’ve got so I’m going to embrace it”

Something I say to people a lot of the time is “You do you”. You raise your inner weirdo flag and fly it high from your inner flagpole. If people don’t get you then they aren’t worth your time. If people can’t be empathetic if you’re going through a hard time mental-health-wise, explain it to them. But never supress yourself or hide your wonderful personality. You are you and there’s only ever one. You’re strong and you’re a fighter.

I am a massive Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan, still sleep next to my childhood teddy bear, and have a ridiculous voice and made-up language I speak to my family in. That may all make me ‘sad’ or ‘weird’ but it’s part of me, and all makes me really happy. So I won’t let others take that away or make me feel any less than I am for my quirks and traits that make me, me!

With that in mind, we hope that you’ll feel inspired by this and pay it forward. Tell someone in your life today that they are awesome. Tell someone who you suspect may be struggling right now that you’re there for them, that you like things about them and that you’re happy they are in your life. Be kind, and the next time you feel like you’re going to make fun of someone or say something ‘bitchy’ remember someone might say the same things back at you. Spread kindness and positivity, believe it and you will become it. It will radiate out from you and make you feel better too. And you never know, it could make someone’s day and keep them going. So stay awesome everyone!

– Hannah

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