You Can Do it

January, 28 2015

You know that guy Rob Schneider who enthusiastically shouts “You can do it” in all those Adam Sandler films? I totally feel like this post is going to turn into that, or at least like you should hear that line when you’re going about your day and things are getting tough!

But that’s what I’m writing about today. This month is cold and harsh. Full of exams, money stress after over spending at Christmas and a sudden urge to be a new person, create a new you and be better faster, stronger at everything. Because it’s New Years and that’s when we make our resolutions and try and put a label on how you want your year to go or who you want to be in that year. That’s not a bad thing at all; in fact it’s kind of awesome. Every year I say (well, we all say) I want to look after my mental and physical health more but I find if I have a bad day or a weird few weeks I kind of give up and slump back into old familiar patterns. And once I’ve crumbled and eaten an entire multi-pack of crisps and not gone to the gym or had an argument with someone and let it get me feeling really hopeless I just totally give up.

This year I’m determined to let the bad days go though and focus on the positives. If I have a blip and my resolutions fall by the wayside I want to get back on that metaphorical horse and keep going! “How will you do this?!” I hear you cry. Well, I’m keeping it super simple…

– I’m going to look for inspiration from others. I’m going to look at the great qualities I admire in my friends and family and try and apply them to me. I’m going ask for their support when I need a little pick me up and I’m going to enjoy their company and be a good person for them!

– Surrounding myself with positivity is going to keep me on track too.Whether that’s making a collage of my favourite things and putting it in my room so I see it every morning, or making sure I take time out in my day to do something for myself like listening to some good tunes or even having a good stretch. If there’s a negative influence or aspect of my life I’m going to work towards letting it go and moving forward without it.

– Setting achievable goals is always key. Baby steps will be my way of getting my head sorted this year. I’m not asking the world of myself but if I can turn around a few really low days into happy ones I’ll consider that a success. I’m planning to write some goals each month in a diary or on a little chalk board so I can keep them in mind always and refer back to them when I need motivation. If I don’t stick to them I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I’ll re-assess my goals or think about coming at them a different way. My main goal is going to be to get out of bed when I’m really suffering with depression instead of wasting entire days. I’m going to try and get out when I feel really low and go for a walk. God bless those endorphins! I’m hoping that being active and taking charge of my mood will help me work through my problems.

– In the process of letting negativity go I know I may struggle at times but I need to remind myself that everything we all go through makes us who we are. We’ve all been through so much in our lives and it shapes and defines you and makes you super mega strong. It allows you to empathise with others and really support people and get where they are coming from when things go wrong for them. It allows you to be sensitive and caring and it helps you understand your limitations. So don’t worry if you fall down because we’re all only human. It’s about letting it go and picking yourself back up that’s the real kicker. But you can totally do it!

– Finally, take time this year to love and respect yourself. Take care of you. You can do anything you want this year. Don’t get beaten by failure because it’s not failure, its learning.

Don’t give up. You’re amazing and you’ve totally got this.

– Si

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