What Would Buffy Do?

October, 28 2015

At HATW HQ we’re massive fans of Halloween, scary films and dressing up in spooky costumes. But the message we want to impart to you as this month draws to a close is that watching horror films and getting involved in Halloween should be the only scary thing in your life.

Today we want to give you the encouragement to face the things you’re afraid of- and to tell you you can do it. Whether that’s standing up for yourself, deciding to stop self-harming or confronting feelings that are hard to deal with. We want you to know that so many others have been there, been brave and come out the other side happier and stronger.

I know we always bang on about finding something that makes you happy and gives you confidence or inspiration- but we cannot stress enough how much this worked for us. Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer may seem a little lame- but I swear it’s the only thing that got me through high school! Watching a strong, independent woman go through so much, supported by her equally dysfunctional friends and family gave me hope that I could face anything. I often think “what would buffy do?!” in a tough situation.  And ok, sure I’m not slaying vampires and punning like a badass, but her inner strength and good qualities were truly inspirational to me. I felt the same way about Twilight when the books and films came out at a time when I didn’t want to read, or listen to music because my depression had robbed me of that enjoyment. Something as silly and trivial as reading about Edward and Bella’s adventures gave me a bond with other people who also enjoyed it and gave me something to look forward to when the next books or films came out! Regardless of other people laughing at me for what I liked and enjoyed, this was what I used to make myself happy, for me, and no-one else!  I know Buffy and Twilight are hardly the scariest things I could reference right now but they really worked for me!

Now, I’m totally not crediting some TV shows and films with getting me through the tough times, but it gave me enjoyment when I had little joy in life and cheered me up on sad days. And what is life without a little enjoyment!

So this Halloween, we’re encouraging you to let your inner geek flag fly high and get involved with whatever you’re passionate about. You know the scene on ‘Mean Girls’ where Lindsey Lohan’s character turns up to the Halloween party in an awesome dead bride costume and everyone is dressed in provocative or revealing outfits? I had that exact experience when I was 14- and it was one of the most embarrassing events of my teenage years. Now I look back at it as one of my funniest and fondest stories- all because I was brave and stuck with the costume and held my head up high. I didn’t give in to fear and crumble under peer pressure. I did what I wanted to do, to make myself happy.

Scary films and dressing up on Halloween are a great way to enjoy this time of year. If it’s not your bag, that’s cool too! It’s just about finding what works for you and how you can do the little things to keep yourself moving forward. Be brave and don’t be afraid. Take the risks, put yourself out there and take those first steps you’ve even putting off. We believe in you, because we’ve been there and if we can wear our Halloween costumes and watch Twilightwith pride, then so should you!

Happy Halloween from HATW x

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