Tips from Tour – Phoenix, Arizona

post by Si Martin

September, 15 2024

2 min read

It’s another tip from tour! Our founder Si is out in Phoenix, Arizona!

If you wanna watch it, you can watch it below, or on our Instagram! But of course, you can read along below too, if that’s what you prefer!

I wanna remind you today that your struggle isn’t for nothing.

If you’re in the thick of it right, it might be hard to see a way out, let alone see the value in your struggle. And if that’s you, I want you to know that you’re not alone. And that it really truly can get better.

It’s like learning to crawl

But, to give you an example, when my son was learning to crawl, he was trying so hard, and getting so frustrated. And all I wanted to do was give him a lil nudge to help him along. But it was only through him struggling, and even failing that he’s made the progress.

It’s where HATW comes from!

The whole reason Heads Above The Waves exists is because I had a real struggle myself, and I wanted to try and help other people who are in the same situation as me. You can read a bit more about my story, and that struggle that led us to HATW.

So this isn’t me saying “everything happens for a reason”. But sometimes you make the reason. And whatever you’re facing right now, it won’t last forever. And one day, you’ll be able to look back on what you went through, and realise that it’s given you something to take away from it. Even if it’s just the knowledge that you must be one tough son-of-a-gun, cuz you’ve made it through that difficult patch once before.

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