This Is The Day

April, 14 2014

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. The song I’m listening to right now is ’Unknowingly Strong’ by Make Do And Mend, and I think unknowingly strong describes me, and so many people I know. We’re much stronger than we realise or give ourselves credit for sometimes.

Today, right now, as you’re reading this, could be the first day you decide to stop self-harming. Or if you’re fighting a different battle, today could be the first day you decide to win that battle.

Whatever’s holding you back and holding you down that’s happened in the past, there’s so much more waiting for you than that. And if you find yourself being weighed down and held back by what’s happened to you…

You can lock yourself away, give up, pretend and go back to sleep. Or you can realise that there is so much more to life than yesterday.

You have the choice to let what’s been and done continue to pull you down, or you can accept it’s happened, and look for what’s coming tomorrow. It’s hard. It’s real hard. It’s so much easier to say/think it than to actually do it. But from everyone I’ve spoken to about their stories, that was the first step so many people took towards getting strong, and staying strong.

The 2nd verse of this song mentions:

The letter’s on the wall, to remind myself to get back up every time I fall.

Go find your ‘letter’ that reminds you of the better times that are waiting for you. If you don’t have anything else, print this off and stick it on the wall:

Just keep getting up.
Today might be the first day you do manage to get back up.
Today might be the first time you try one of the suggestions from Heads Above The Waves instead of self-harm.
Today might be the first time you let go of what’s been weighing you down for however long.
Just make sure it’s today.

(And yes, the chorus mentions keeping “…my head above the waves” so of course I had to use this as a muse.)


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