‘Some Kind Of Fix’ Compilation

December, 03 2015

The good folk over at Close To Home Records have worked hard to put together a compilation to raise money for MIND – it’s an awesome way to support an awesome cause. And we’re honoured to be premiering the compilation, titled ‘Some Kind of Fix’, through Heads Above The Waves.

Music plays such an important role to so many people – whether it’s expressing themselves through the music they make, or listening to a song and feeling like there’s someone else out there who gets you.

More than just raising money for an excellent mental health charity, ‘Some Kind of Fix’ is also an important chance for bands and fans of music to be talking honestly and openly about mental health. If someone asks you what you’re listening to, you can tell them it’s a compilation of rad bands, raising awareness about mental health issues, and start to talk about how and why music can help people through hard times.

Joe Hart, Label Manager of Close To Home said: “The aim of the compilation is to bring together a selection of bands to show support and raise awareness of mental health issues that affect a lot of people every day.

Somehow in 2015, we’re still not quite at a point in society where someone can feel comfortable with talking about the fact they might be suffering from a mental illness. We’re not yet at a point where we naturally offer mental health sufferers the support they need. This support should be offered without a thought, but unfortunately, way too often, I open a news tab on the internet or a page in a newspaper and I see someone who is given a platform to spread the complete wrong message when it comes to mental health.

Not only are we not offering enough help and understanding, there are people boosting the signal of morons who don’t understand what it’s like and have most likely never been through it. Hopefully this reaches someone and helps them understand that what they’re going through is normal. Like, it happens to a LOT of people. In fact, without getting personal, almost every band and record label involved with the tracks on this compilation explained that they or someone close to them had been affected by mental health issues in the past. A lot of them also explained how they had made it through the other side. That’s exactly the kind of open, positive conversation I want to get started with this compilation.”

You can listen to and buy ‘Some Kind Of Fix’ right here on hatw.co.uk and all the money raised from the compilation is going straight to MIND.

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