Lush Charity Pot Party!

post by Si Martin

July, 05 2017

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On the 1st and 2nd of July, we teamed up with Lush in Cardiff for a Charity Pot party. We’re stoked to announce that through the sales of Lush’s Charity Pot we’ve raised an amazing £299.16 towards our work. Which is amazing; thank you so much to everyone who grabbed one, and to the brill staff in Lush Cardiff for having us.

While we were in store over the weekend, we were asking people to share their favourite thing about themselves, or the nicest compliment they’ve ever received. Bit of a tricky one, eh? Because it’s easy to compliment other people, and show love to your pals. But how often do you compliment & show love to yourself? Take some time to think about the things you like about yourself – the things you’re good at, the stuff you can do that no-one else can. Or think about the things that your friends/family say to you – the compliments you might usually shrug off, try to take them on board! Write them down and remind yourself of them if you’re feeling down.

And if you feel like treating yourself to some Lush goodies to show yourself some love, you can either grab some from their store, or online & have a beautiful smelling box delivered straight to you:

Here’s a few things that people shared with us in Lush at our Charity Pot party: HATW x Lush-1 HATW x Lush-2 HATW x Lush-3 HATW x Lush-4 HATW x Lush-5 HATW x Lush-6 HATW x Lush-7 HATW x Lush-8 HATW x Lush-9 HATW x Lush-10 HATW x Lush-11 HATW x Lush-12 HATW x Lush-13 HATW x Lush-14 HATW x Lush-15

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