If You Think You’re Alone

post by Si Martin

February, 25 2015

If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only one who’s ever felt this way, I’m afraid I have to tell you, you’re wrong.

You’re wrong if you think that it won’t get better.

You’re wrong if you think people out there don’t care about you.

You’re wrong if you think that no-one else has survived what you have.

You’re wrong if you think there’s no-one you can talk to.

You’re wrong if you think you can’t get better.

You’re wrong if you think you’re not strong enough.

You’re wrong if you think you’re not good enough.

You’re wrong if you think you’re alone.

Sorry about that.

The truth is:

You’re not alone.

Who you are is good enough. You’re more than good enough. You’re amazing.

You’ve already survived so much, but you’re still here. That’s true strength.

You can and will get better. If you decide you’re ready to, and you let yourself get better.

There are a whole bunch of people and organisations out there whose purpose is to listen to you. Check some of them out.

There are people who’ve been through the same thing as you. Some of them have shared their stories on here for you to read.

There are people who love and care about you, but you might not even realise it. Sometimes you just need to look for it.

It really does get better. Life can still be tough, but the problems you’re facing today don’t have to last forever. The fact that Heads Above The Waves exists is proof of that. It might even be that you just need to hold on a little longer.

Whatever you’re going through, and however you’re feeling, there’s someone out there who’s gone through the exact same thing, and come out the other side. And some point down the line, you’ll be one of them.

Hang on in there. You’ve got this.

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