February 2018 Spotify Playlist

post by Hannah

February, 22 2018

After a long and tough old January we welcomed February with open arms but even this months felt a little long and we’re super ready for Spring now. We’ve been trying to do lots of things this month including cinema trips and going to gigs to stave off those Winter Blues, And we’ve been listening to a bunch of our fave tunes to get us through so we’ve listed a few below that have been particularly helpful over the last few weeks, and hopefully you’ll enjoy them too! Give our Feb playlist a whirl and let us know what you’ve been digging this month too!

Fall Out Boy- Saturday

What an opener! After driving back to Cardiff from an awesome gig in Bristol a couple of weeks ago, I thought I’d take a little trip down memory lane and blast an album from our teenage years we used to rock out to in our bedrooms. I picked Take This To Your Grave and as we sang at the top of our voices I looked around the car at all my best friends after a cracking night, I realised how lucky I am to still be here. It was really cool and filled me with positivity. I think it’s nice to have those throwback nights where you play your favorite songs with people you love and  remember fond times from younger, easier days. I was filled with a warm nostalgic comforting feeling and it was rad.


Paramore- Rose Coloured Boy

The opening line to this track has kinda become an unofficial chant or catch phrase amongst my girlfriends… “Low key, no pressure, just hang with me and my weather“- it’s kinda a plea to friends and loved ones to stand by us when we’re struggling with a tough time. The lyrics in the song state “Just let me cry a little bit longer,I ain’t gonn’ smile if I don’t want to” which perfectly sums up a lot of what HATW is about- not forcing happiness and letting yourself feel your emotions. It’s just all about having support around you and getting to that better place mentally and emotionally.


Four Year Strong- Who Cares

We love a good cathartic “vent” song here at HATW! The type of song you put on when everyone’s peeing you off and you need to stomp around for a bit and get a little over dramatic! Over the last month whenever I’ve been feeling frustrated with things or at myself I’ve been taking a long purposeful walk around the park, putting in my earphones and blasting tunes. This has become a firm favorite for walking off my aggression and although the lyrics aren’t the most posi they’re good and angsty and by the time the song’s finished I’m always feeling a little more cheerful as musically it’s so punchy and upbeat!


Scorpions- Rock You Like A Hurricane

OK so this is the first song that’s kinda film/ TV based in this months playlist. As it’s been so cold and dark outside I’ve been spending a lot of time chilling out when I get in from a long day, grabbing a blanket and sitting on the sofa with a hot chocolate and getting deep into a Netflix hole! I’ve been re-watching Stranger Things and really connecting with the characters innocence and goodness, and their outsider ‘marching to the beat of their own drums’ mentality. I’ve also been DIGGING the soundtrack, and for some reason this song in particular got stuck in my head. It’s cool to find that cheesy classic that makes you feel like a million bucks and puts a spring in your step in the morning. Catch us shaking off our sleepy morning vibes and attacking the day strutting around Cardiff almost definitely listening to this every day!


Trophy Eyes- Chlorine

This band and this song have been on our radar for a while now and although the subject matter is pretty intense (talking about a friend of theirs taking their own life) the song also focuses on the refrain “I’m still breathing.” This is a vital message that really resonates with me, and will strike a chord with anyone who has experienced loss through suicide. It’s important to remember that you’re still here and you have to move forward when you’re able to, carrying the memory of that person with you and experiencing life to its fullest. It can be hard sometimes and you may feel like giving up too, but listening to songs like these, or even any of your favorite tracks that can lift your spirits and connect you with those not here anymore. Music is so powerful and can be that catalyst to you feeling a little more positive, or to reaching out to talk about what you’re going through with bereavement.


Tegan and Sara- Nineteen

I guess this middle section of the playlist is like the downer of my picks, because Tegan and Sara’s song Nineteen is haunting and beautiful but ultimately about a break up. But I mean come on, if you can’t have a bit of a wallow in January and February then when can you?! Tegan and Sara are a phenomenal indie/ pop duo from Canada who have been firm favourites of mine for years. This song was the first I heard of theirs and it always takes me back to past mistakes, past boyfriends and heartaches. But it’s also great to listen to to pick me up and realise that I got through those things and am still standing! This is my resilience anthem if you will!


Sorority Noise- A Portrait Of

When I mentioned to some pals that I was gonna put this on the playlist I was met with a lot of “Ooooh are you sure?” as this album deals lyrically with hopelessness, loneliness and suicidal thoughts. Heck, the opening line to this song is about feeling suicidal. But I feel like this is exactly what we’re trying to do with Heads- break down the stigma around mental health issues. We want people to know that others go through these things too and verbalising them and putting them out into the World is a way  that can reach people. The lyrics are savagely honest and often can make you feel a little uncomfortable but it is this raw exposure of self that we do in our workshops to let young people know that we know what they’re going through. We’ve been where they’ve been, we’re not “trying to say it’s easy” but we’re saying you’re not alone and it’s OK to get help.


The Menzingers- I Don’t Wanna Be An Asshole Anymore

The title kinda says it all. Singing along to this makes me want to strive to be a better friend and a better family member, a better worker and a happier person.  An ode to self-improvement, Plus this song flipping shreds.


Junior- If I Had The Time, I’d Tell You I’m Not Sorry

After a brutal week where my mental health was not the best, I was really struggling to get along to HATW work things. I was bargaining with myself that if I managed to do all my work I would reward myself afterwards somehow. Seeing Junior play in Cardiff was one of the the things that definitely put a smile on my face one night after a long tough day. Sometimes you just need to watch your friends play rad tunes and grin like an idiot whilst you bounce around to super fun pop punk. It’s good not to take life too seriously sometimes and this stuff is great medicine!


Tigers Jaw- June

We saw Tigers Jaw play The Globe a few months ago and they were amazing. This song makes me feel like Spring and Summer and warmer, better times are a-coming. Something about the wistful melody reminds me of warm sunny days where everything seems a bit more bearable and manageable when the weather is good and we’re all super looking forward to that. Hurry up now please!


Dry Jacket- Epi Pen Pals

This is a super last minute addition to the playlist but it’s just great when you find a new band that you love, and get you super pumped on music again! This band is Dry Jacket for me in Feb! After watching them in Clwb this week I’ve been jamming their records so much. Finding that new band you haven’t heard before and become special to you is such an awesome feeling, I hope I never lose it!


Billie Holiday – They Can’t Take That Away From Me

I had a really stressy morning this week where I knew as soon as I woke up that it was gonna be one of those days. Out of nowhere I got a hankering to listen to Billie Holiday, something my Uncle had passed down to me in CD form many years ago! I put on my favourite song and found it instantly soothing. I feel like there’s been a lot of nostalgia references so far in this playlist but sometimes it’s good just to tread those well worn paths and listen to the stuff you know that makes you feel good. Billie Holiday’s soothing voice and the slow chilled pace of this song enabled me to relax and get focused for my day ahead. I normally go for intricate guitar or acoustic harmonizing loveliness to chill me out but this left field choice popped into my head and did the trick! Get outside of the box sometimes when thinking about soothing songs that build you up and prepare you to face the day.


The Greatest Showman- This Is Me

OK don’t tell anyone cos I have serious punk rock credentials to maintain, but I’m really into musicals and show tunes. Like REALLY into them. I watched The Greatest Showmen in the cinema the other week and I wasn’t too fussed if truth be told, but somehow the songs got lodged in my head and started following me everywhere we went! This tune in particular is so empowering and positive that I couldn’t not round out this months playlist without including it. So here it is…



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