Beth’s Feel Good Bangers

post by Si Martin

July, 07 2020

We’re super stoked to welcome our long term friend Bethan Miller to the HATW team! Beth’s an amazing photographer, content creator and social media whizz. You’ve probably already seen her photos on our Things to Try page and on our online store. But you can also check out BETHANMILLER.CO to find out a bit more about her, and see some of her (amazing!) work.

Beth’s gonna be taking the lead on our content – so make sure you check out our Instagram, Facebook & Twitter & drop her a comment to say welcome to the team!

In order to get to know Beth a little better, we asked her to put together a playlist of her feel good bangers (because you can tell a lot about a person by the playlist they compile!)

Check out what she said about these tunes:

Here’s a bunch of summery songs that I’m loving at the moment. I usually stick these songs on when I wake up in the morning (and definitely sing them all in the shower) to help me get in a ‘feel good’ mood.


A lot of songs on this playlist remind me of a specific time in my life -whether that’s a moment at a festival, hanging with friends at the beach, or just takes me back to the windows down in the summer sun.


Maybe these songs bring back some fond memories for you, help you escape for a little bit or help you discover your new favourite band! I hope you enjoy.


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