Believing in Yourself

post by Si Martin

December, 24 2021

For Christmas 2021, Si’s shared a couple thoughts about believing in yourself! Check out the video below! We’ve also included a transcript here too, in case reading’s more your bag!

It’s no secret that I love Christmas. You might’ve seen one of the very early HATW videos where I shared this fact. Which means I’m a man who’s spent a lot of time watching Christmas movies. Like a lot. 

And while there’s a real range of quality in Christmas movies – and my word there are some clangers out there – there’s something that a lot of Christmas films have in common. A lot of the time, Christmas gets saved by one plucky little kid who never stops believing in Santa. Or Christmas. And sometimes all it takes is someone believing, and doing something small like singing loud for all to hear that helps bring back the holiday cheer and save the day. 

So if someone believing in Santa can have a huge impact on the outcome of some shmultzy Christmas movie, imagine what impact you could have on your life if you believed in yourself! And yes. That’s a very cheesy point to make. But some of the best Christmas films are incredibly cheesy, so allow it. 

This year I’m challenging you to believe in yourself the way that so many Hallmark movie kids have believed in Santa. 

Think about it. In so many of those movies, they get pushed back and told Santa isn’t real (pfft. Lies.) but they keep on believing in him. So every time you get pushed back, or someone tries to make you doubt yourself, you stand your ground and keep on believing in yourself. 

But what does believing in yourself even mean?

It’s about believing that you’re worth taking care of.

You’re wonderful, you’re talented, you’re capable of amazing things, and the world is 100% a better place with you in it. And the more you tell yourself this, the more you’ll believe it, and want to take care of yourself.

It’s about believing that things can and will get better.

Even if it doesn’t feel it right now, nothing lasts forever. Things change, and to be honest, there are lots of people just like you who’ve come out the other side. A bunch of them have shared their stories on our website!

And it’s about believing that it’s at least worth trying something small to change your situation.

And these things won’t necessarily be some Christmas miracle from the end of a film where suddenly everyone comes together and everything’s perfect. The end. But there are little things that you can do to help blow off some steam, calm you down, or just help you feel a little more in control of what’s going on. Ya know where you’ll find ideas of stuff that’s worked for other people? You guessed it! On our website!

And just finally:

Maybe you don’t love Christmas. Maybe it’s a really hard time of year, for whatever reason, and that’s ok. It’s ok to set boundaries, do things at your own pace, and it’s ok if you don’t feel a particular way. We’ve got a bunch of content on the website that might help if you’re having a tough time during the holiday season, such as our guide to surviving Christmas (if you don’t like it).

But whatever Christmas ends up looking like for you, the truth is that it’s still worth believing in yourself. Believing that it’s worth trying something to help out, believing that things can and will get better, and most importantly, believing that you and your life are absolutely worth fighting for. 

And that’s a message that’s not just for Christmas; it’s for life.

*Don’t Stop Believing should play as credits roll*

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